St. Paul Shipwrights

Dear All –

As of July 01, 2024, I am officially retired and St Paul Shipwrights has been sold to my long-time employee Brian McDermott, and our collaborator Dave Bortner of Freedom Boat Service and others.

Not many people have the chance to make a living doing what they love. Restoring these beautiful wooden crafts has been a labor of love, and I feel especially lucky and proud of what we built over these last forty years. I thank the many people with whom I have worked and who helped make St Paul Shipwrights the success that it was; hard-working employees, suppliers of all kinds of business needs, those who gave advice and counsel, and especially the clients who faithfully brought their boats back year after year, trusting us to keep these floating wonders in the best possible condition, preserving their beauty and history for the next generation.

Brian, Dave and the crew will continue in the tradition of providing top notch service and have already won awards for excellence in restoration.  Their new company is called “Freedom Restoration Service” and you can contact them by going to the website

In gratitude and with best wishes for smooth sailing – Mark Sauer


Our Strategy

First we listen. Whether your goal is simply a new coat of varnish or a complete restoration, we find out what your goals and priorities are based on needs, timeline and budget. If possible we evaluate your project in person, if not, detailed photos may be substituted. We work with you to determine the scope, priorities and timing of your project, especially if extensive restoration is called for.


Our Process

You will receive a detailed estimate for each item in the scope of work. We pride ourselves on staying with the limits we budget and if we discover that additional work is warranted in underlying structures, we will prepare an addendum for your approval before proceeding.

Once work has started, you will get regular progress reports and photos along with invoices. You are welcome and encouraged, if possible, to stop by the shop and check on your boat in person.


Our Goal

Restoring the beauty and integrity of your wooden boat, no matter the size or make, is our goal. We are here for the duration for you and your boat. We welcome questions and are happy to consult on projects for DIYers. We want to be your source for maintaining the investment that your boat represents and the rare beauty and historical craft of wooden boats.

Recent Projects

We have the pleasure of working on a wide variety of wonderful vessels. Take a peek at some of our recent projects.

Boats for Sale

St. Paul Shipwrights offers a fine selection of classic boats for sale. To see all of our boats for sale CLICK HERE.